Add Your Listing To The Web’s #1 Freight & Logistics Directory

This page allows you to add a premium, top of page listing to our freight & logistics directory.

Here’s everything you get with a premium listing:

Why Go Premium?

Want to get listed? 

Here are the steps:

Step 1: Fill out the form below. Make sure your details are complete and you describe the unique features of your company.

Step 2: After you click “Submit” your listing will go on the correct page on our site and we will send you a confirmation email.

Step 3: Your listing will now be seen by hundreds of thousands of people looking for freight service near you. Your listing will renew each year on the same day. 


We are so confident that you will boost your traffic with your premium listings that we are offering a full money back guarantee. 

For the first 60 days, you can try out your premium listing and cancel anytime during that period for a full refund!

So you literally do not have to pay unless you get results.  

👇Place Your Listing Here 👇

✅ Find the geographical page you want to publish your listing on.
✅ Select the area you want to find customers in.
For example: What services does your company offer?
For example: what geographical area(s) do you serve most often?
For example: what makes your company unique from competitors?